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Sanjin is the second oldest member of Leon’s team, having just graduated high school. His plans of going to a university got sidelined once the demonic invasion started. They both have been adopted and their parent's whereabouts are still unknown. While already known for this strength and stealth, Sanjin's most astonishing feat comes from the ability to shapeshift into spirit animals, just like his brother Jin. The brothers have been separated at an early age and deep down Sanjin knew about his purpose and what he had to do. Before his powers were unlocked, his martial art skill, strength, and conditioning were all nearly at peak level and they only became advanced after the full awakening. Before the demon's chest was opened, the brothers had experimented with various forms of magic which made them more crucial to Leon than they thought. As it would turn out, the brothers had the same Guardian essence inside them that Leon has, however, it has been dormant, waiting for the right moment to unlock. Being the oldest, he tends to harbor a cocky personality towards others, truly believing that he is not only the most knowledgeable but also the most powerful. Although the fight against the demon horde is still early, something inside Sanjin and Jin tells them that their role in saving the planet is far greater than they know. Sanjin's shapeshifting ability enables him to take the form of various mystical animals, allowing him access to their powers and abilities. These include enhanced strength, agility, speed, flight, and heightened senses such as smell and hearing. This makes Sanjin a formidable opponent even against powerful demons. He also has the power to absorb energy from his environment or other living beings which he uses to heal himself or others in need. Sanjin is an invaluable asset to Leon's team and will prove to be a key factor in their success against the demon horde.