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Draxx dominantly controls a powerful army of the undead and in this army are a few ultra-powerful demon Generals. At the top of the list is General Yogg. Prior to donning the title of Alpha General, he was known as Yogg the Cruel. He’s savagely brutal by nature, and while he isn’t as powerful as Draxx, the legions he commands fear him just the same. Hidden among the clouds is the Red Citadel, a demonic structure that manifested when the chest was opened. Constructed from unknown materials, the sky fortress is inhabited by some of the strongest and vilest of the Underworld's demons - a great army of foul entities standing between their dark master and those who seek to destroy him. This is where Yogg commands the legions and plots the endless methods of diabolical tortures that he plans to unleash upon the world of the living. As for his powers, Yogg is incredibly resilient to physical and energy attacks, however, a strong enough dose of either could inflict some damage. As far as the heroes go, none of them can face him one-on-one as he’s far too powerful. As if his brute strength and nearly unsurpassable energy levels weren't enough, Yogg is never without his two-handed ax called the Skullchipper, which weighs a ton and can cut shatter rock like a hammer to glass.
Yogg is also a master tactician and strategist and can craft complex plans to achieve his goals. His schemes are often elaborate and devious and often involve using his army to further his goals. He is also a master manipulator, using his intelligence, and guile to manipulate others into doing his bidding. He is often the one behind the scenes orchestrating the most extreme strategies and tactics to bring about his master's will. And while his tactics and strategies make him a formidable adversary, it is his vast knowledge of the dark arts that makes him truly powerful.