Main Story
Thousands of years ago, a terrifying demonic entity, known as Draxx the Destroyer terrorized dozens of villages in his conquest to enslave mankind. Alongside a group of otherworldly demons, he destroyed cities and came very close to succeeding at his goal of enslaving planet Lyonn and the universe. However, a mighty unknown warrior with a tattoo of a lion on his back emerged from a distant realm. The battle was one-sided at first as it seemed no matter what the unknown hero would do, the demonic villain would easily make short work of him. However soon, with the help of a few others, he was able to defeat Draxx, successfully sealing him and his demonic army away in magical shards. The irreversible damage has ravaged many towns and ended many lives, but for the time being it was all over. The shards were then placed into a chest and sealed away deep within an unmarked tomb somewhere on the continent. Before locking the chest, one of the Guardians of the world, put a shrouding spell on the chest, meaning if it was ever found and opened, magic and evilness would start manifesting once again.
Today, a rich philanthropist by the name of Wynn Beku discovered this unknown tomb during an archeological dig where he was looking for ancient treasures to add to his collection. Mr. Beku isn’t known for being a compassionate man as many that know him would tell you he was evil incarnate. He was also the first human to enter the tomb in thousands of years and his attention was quickly captured by the locked bronze chest that ominously sat out in the corner. He couldn’t explain it but something called out to him and before he know it, he was prying open the ancient box. Once it popped open, the world started to shake from the ground and it felt like doom was once again unleashed. They collected the other shards from the chest that they would later use to help navigate more powerful demons through the magical rifts. These other demons would serve as generals and pawns to their hellacious cause. While Draxx’s Generals would work in the shadows and assemble their horrific army, Mr. Beku used his resources to provide them with whatever they needed to thrive. The Demon Lord would materialize this time without a vessel and take his own shape. Mr. Beku inherited powerful otherworldly abilities as the deal he made with the evil entity was sealed, putting the universe and its existence at risk. Consequently, as soon as the chest popped open, a boy on the other side of the world felt something strange. Within seconds, his mind was flooded with the ancient memories of the first invasion and the horrific things from the past. There was death everywhere, villages destroyed, and humankind almost entirely enslaved. He also saw images of the hero with the lion tattoo stepping up and ending the demon's reign of terror. At the end of his vision, he felt the energy of the unknown savior merge with his spiritual being, and then it was clear what he had to do. The boy named Leon would be tasked with stopping Mr. Beku and the invading forces on their quest for world domination, however, with Mr. Beku’s money and resources, it wasn’t a job he could take on alone. His group was created and housed some of the most powerful warriors that exist today. Warriors from all over the world would be awakened and join the fight. As the evil duo worked out their master plan and started building up their army and power, Leon's friends and other Guardians prepare extensively to combat whatever dark forces would come to once again threaten mankind.
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